CATs Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists

Publisert av Eli Irene Sandø Kjus den 27.06.22.

Dear Sir/Madam,


My name is Mathilde Tucker. As a master’s student of Speech and Language Pathology at Nijmegen University in the Netherlands, I’m  involved in a research project initiated by the Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATs), an international network of multidisciplinary aphasia investigators from across more than 50 countries. Professional guidance for my thesis is given by Dr. Evy Visch -Brink, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, dept of neurology; and Dr. Femke Nouwens, Rijndam Rehabilitation Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands.


The aim of the project is to create an inventory of current Clinical Practice in aphasia diagnosis and treatment (i-CLIP) in the different European and surrounding countries. . Developments in aphasia management, such as the application of evidence-based practice and person centred cares require corresponding developments in service provision.  Our goal is to identify differences and to find similarities in daily practice across Europe. This information is essential in developing new transnational aphasia research concerning diagnostic tools and therapy methods.


We have devised a survey that we would like speech therapists in different European countries to fill out in order to gather information on the organization and content of aphasia treatment in their own clinical setting.  Hereby, we request your help. The survey was already sent to SLT’s in different countries resulting in a first sample of responders. However, we aspire to collect responses from a minimum of 5 SLT’s per country and that goal was not reached. Furthermore, a substantial number of countries are not represented in the current data set. 


Our question is: would you be willing to spread this survey to speech therapists from your network and ask them to fill it out? This short survey consists of 17 questions about different aspects of their clinical work. The SLTs can find information about the study on the first page of the attached survey. A live version of the survey is also available. The link to the survey is:



In order to gain high quality data it is of great importance that we receive many completed surveys. We are very grateful for your cooperation.  This is the first study with a comparison of the clinical practice in different countries, concerning the treatment of aphasic patients. The final result may contribute to an international standard of minimal requirements of an adequate rehabilitation of aphasic patients.

It is self-evident that your association and the SLTs who completed the inventory will receive a report of the final results. 


Yours faithfully,

Mathilde Tucker, MA student Nijmegen University


*The Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists is a European Cost Action which is a network of people carrying out research in aphasia. Visit their website on  

1. Country

2. What is your profession (click on all that apply)?

☐Speech and language therapist/speech pathologist/logopedist

☐Clinical linguist 


☐Other (Please specify)

3. What proportion of your working time do you spend working with people with aphasia (choose one)?

☐Less than 25%

☐25% - 50%

☐50% - 75%

☐Above 75%

4. In which treatment settings do you see people with aphasia (click on all that apply)?

☐Hospital: Inpatients

☐Hospital: Outpatients

☐Rehabilitation clinic/hospital: Inpatients

☐Rehabilitation clinic/hospital: Outpatients

☐Specialist multidisciplinary stroke unit

☐University clinic

☐Municipality centres

☐Nursing homes

☐Private practice

☐Patient’s own home

☐Other (please specify)

5. In your country what is the minimum qualification required to work independently as an aphasia therapist? (choose one)

☐SLT professional with a bachelor’s degree

☐Bachelor degree followed by a master’s degree
           specialising in SLT

☐Clinical linguist: professional with a master’s

☐Allied health assistant: professional with a
technical training in health sciences, in work 
under direction of the speech pathologist in some 
Settings to carry out directed programs of intervention

☐Volunteer: assistants who did not follow an academic
degree, and work under direction of the SLT/CL in some 
settings to carry out directed programs of intervention

☐Other (Please specify)
6. Is SLT treatment available for all people with aphasia?
☐Yes ☐No

If no what are the common barriers to accessing SLT treatment (click on all that apply)?


☐Practical (eg getting to clinic)

☐Lack of available services

☐Services only available to people of specific ages

☐Other (please specify)

7. When do the majority of patients begin SLT treatment (choose one)?

☐Aphasia treatment initiated within 4 weeks after stroke

☐Aphasia treatment initiated between 1-3 months

☐Aphasia treatment initiated after 3 months

8. How often does a patient usually receive SLT treatment - session duration of approx. 30min-1hr (choose one)?

☐5 or more sessions per week

☐3-4  sessions per week

☐2 sessions per week

☐Less than 2 sessions per week

9. What is the usual duration of SLT treatment (choose one)?

☐1 month

☐3 months

☐6 months

☐More than 6 months

10. What are the main reasons for ending SLT treatment (click on all that apply)?

☐Goals achieved

☐Patient’s choice

☐Option of later review

☐Lack of funding


☐End of specified available time

☐Referred elsewhere

11. What long term services are available for people with aphasia (click on all that apply)?

☐Conversation groups

☐Adult education classes

☐Stroke support

☐Group therapy

☐Counselling group

☐Communication group

☐Other (please specify)

12. SLT Treatment – what percentage of the time do you spend on each type of treatment (as a percentage of the total amount of aphasia treatment)?

Cognitive neurolinguistic model based approaches: 
eg., focusing on impaired linguistic levels semantics,     
phonology, syntax and/or in writing and reading.

Functional communication approaches:                           
eg., scripts, PACE, AAC, role-playing.

Social approaches:                                                                 
eg., focus on life participation goals and 
social relationships, conversation partner training.

Other (please specify)                                                                 

13. What SLT treatment materials do you commonly use (click on all that apply)?

☐Communication support
Eg Communication books

☐Specific linguistic programmes

☐Home-made materials

☐Software packages


14. Which intervention/service delivery approach do you use 
(as a percentage of the total amount of aphasia treatment)?



Telerehabilitation/over internet  (Group or individual)

15. What are your reasons for choosing an aphasia treatment approach (click on all that apply)?

☐Based on my own experience

☐Based on scientific research

☐Based on guidelines

☐Learned from colleagues/other clinicians

☐Prescribed by someone else

☐Availability of materials

16. Do you systematically evaluate SLT treatment?

☐Yes ☐No

If yes, how (click on all that apply)?

☐Standardised assessment batteries

☐Standardised screening tools

☐Formal non-standard tests

☐Informal tests

☐Test - re-test of therapy items

☐General outcome measure for all patients

☐Patient report

☐Proxy report (for example family member or friend)

17. Is the patient required to pay for treatment (choose one)?

☐No – treatment is free

☐Yes through unlimited coverage insurance

☐Yes through limited coverage

☐Patients have to pay for treatment

 ☐Other (please specify)